Thursday, May 16, 2024

HosinGo is celebrating San Isidro

On May 15 was celebrated in Madrid San Isidro and HousinGo did not want to miss this celebration. One day earlier, on Tuesday, May 14, the real estate consultancy celebrated this beloved holiday in the capital.

They did it by giving away 3,000 carnations, red and white to passers-by, from their offices in the Salamanca neighborhood. Their offices at Ayala 62 and Serrano 81, at street level, witnessed this magnificent action, which is part of a series of activities planned for this year in the center of Madrid.

For the occasion, the services of two hostesses were hired who, dressed as "chulapas", handed out each carnation. "We are located in areas with a lot of people passing through and we thought it was a good occasion to celebrate the holiday with something as typical as red and white carnations," according to David de Gea, CEO and founder of HousinGo.

"All the carnations are being cut today, Monday, so that they arrive in Madrid fresh and ready for delivery. A van loaded with the bouquets will leave at 4 am from the south of Alicante with all the flowers to deliver them at 8 am at the HousinGo offices and give way to all the necessary operation so that both men and women and even the smallest of the house, can take their carnation and celebrate San Isidro", also commented the day before the CEO and founder.

For David de Gea "this is one more way to collaborate with Madrid's traditions, so that those who come from abroad can understand, a little better, the culture and life of those who were born and raised in the capital of Spain. HousinGo's clients not only come to Madrid to live, work or invest. They also come to enjoy the city and all it has to offer, both in gastronomy and in culture and leisure".

This action has undoubtedly been very well received by passers-by, who commented that "never before in the neighborhood had something so fun and entertaining been done".

HousinGo    910 053 963 - 722 544 950
Calle Ayala 62, Madrid    Calle Serrano 81, Madrid
Calle Velázquez 117, Madrid